
The Protest against Unemployment by Visually Impaired People | Standing Tall in Cold Weather

2020-10-30 5 Dailymotion

This Autumn Season is proving to be a Dharna season for Pakistan. In Islamabad, the JUI-F dharna is in its full swing. Nowadays, in front of Governor House a rare sort of protest is happening. Blind people are protesting in this cold weather because unemployment rate is rising rapidly. No new vacancies are introduced for the visually impaired individual, and they’re given no chance of any promotion. Blind people in Lahore are looking forward to government who must fulfil their promises. What promises did the government make to blind people regarding their future? What facilities must be given to visually-impaired people? Watch full video to know the reason for this protest.

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#ProtestbyBlinds #visuallyimpairedpeople #unemployment #Governorhouse #Dharnaseason #Lahore